
A Campus security authority (CSA) is a Clery-specific term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations associated with an institution.

1. A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution

如果你有警察或安全太阳2注册平台, 很明显,这个太阳2注册平台符合这个要求. 然而, have all employees in the department been trained about the fact that they are CSAs? 这包括:, 一线主管, 和管理员, 比如中尉, 队长, 助理首席, 受害者服务协调员, 等. 基本上, 这个太阳2注册平台的所有员工, 办公室后勤人员除外, 校园安全太阳2注册平台. Keep in mind that this includes student employees (other than office staff) who handle tasks like patrolling, 监控访问, 提供驾驶或行走安全护送的, 等.

2. Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department (e.g., an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into institutional property).

You should include all individuals who provide security or monitor access to campus parking facilities, 或者监控进入校园设施的通道, 比如图书馆, 学生会, 或者运动设施. You should assess the duties of people in these roles on campus. Do they actually monitor access, such as checking IDs or allowing people to enter? 如果是这样,它们就是csa. Are they working at an information desk or booth, but are not 监控访问 into the facility? If they are not acting as security or 监控访问, they are not a CSA. Do you currently include individuals who act as event security as CSAs? Individuals functioning in the role of event security 校园安全太阳2注册平台 and this includes professional staff members, 学生雇员和合同活动保安人员. Does your institution provide a safety escort service for members of your campus community and/or visitors? If so, those employees or volunteers 校园安全太阳2注册平台.

3. Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s 状态ment of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.

Your institution must publish a policy 状态ment that tells the campus community who they should report a crime to on the campus. For many institutions, this will be the campus security, public safety or police agency. 然而, some colleges and universities don’t have a campus police/public safety agency, and those institutions need to notify the campus community about the individual or organization to which crimes should be reported. This may include directing them to report crimes to the local law enforcement agency. The institution may also want to consider whether or not an individual or organization on the campus should be identified for students and employees to report the crime directly to a representative of the institution. (Receiving crime information quickly and directly will be important for assessing whether or not a timely warning notice should be distributed).

4. An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, 包括, 但不限于, 学生住房, 学生纪律和校园司法程序. An official is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution.

This is the most challenging area because the concept of “significant responsibility for student and campus activities” is quite broad. Official responsibilities and job titles vary significantly at each campus, which is why ED says they don’t provide an all inclusive list of specific titles in the regulations. 手册中写道, “To determine specifically which individuals or organizations 校园安全太阳2注册平台 for your institution, 考虑个人或办公室的职能. 寻找官员(如.e., not support staff) whose functions involve relationships with students. If someone has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, 他或她是校园安全太阳2注册平台的负责人.” Examples of individuals whose positions should be assessed because they probably meet the criteria for being campus security authorities include:

  • Professional staff in a dean of students office, 包括 leaders in student affairs and housing.
  • 学生中心或学生会大楼的工作人员
  • Staff in the student activities office (handling extracurricular activities)
  • 学生组织的教职员工顾问
  • Resident assistants/advisors; resident and/or community directors
  • 学生 who monitor access to dormitories or other facilities
  • 希腊事务协调员(或相关职位)
  • Athletic directors and coaches (包括 assistant ADs and assistant coaches)
  • 合约保安主任
  • 活动保安人员
  • 分支/卫星/独立校园的管理人员
  • 校园健康中心的内科医生, 校园咨询中心的顾问, or a victim advocate in a campus rape crisis center if they are identified by your school as someone to whom crimes should be reported or if they have significant responsibility for student and campus activities

Examples of individuals who would not meet the criteria for being campus security authorities include:

  • A faculty member who does not have any responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom
  • 文书或食堂职员
  • 设施或维修人员